Storing Manure unattended manure buildup Manure is something we horse owners all have to deal with. Where do we put it? Can we repurpose it? How? Simply dumping all the manure into a giant pile creates an ideal breeding ground for flies and other insects and can also conceal intestinal parasites. After a rainfall, as surface water leaves the manure pile, it picks up nutrients and [...]
Stables and Flies written in 1917 Cover Manure Piles. " The object of this article is to call attention to two important phases of a fly prevention campaign, to wit: a campaign against fly food in other words, a campaign for clean houses and premises; and a campaign against fly breeding places-in other words, a campaign against bad stable conditions. Drs. Porter and Byrd of Florida[...]
Our Horse Fly Net® customers have commented on occasion that their horses do not like to leave the comfort of their cozy run-in-shed ( with Horse Fly Nets) to walk out to the open air when relieving themselves. Perhaps everyone knows that funny habit of equine life..... horses like to use a place that has been used before. I first discovered this when at a big horse show. The used [...]
Early method of preserving forage, Romania image from Wikipedia History: Early farmers noticed that growing fields produced more fodder in the spring. As the animals did not eat all of the spring and summer grasses the idea of cutting the grass in the summer, drying it, storing it and feeding it in the winter evolved . Originally this was done in Europe in the 1500s with an instrument known as [...]
There is a joy of riding with a friend in Virginia, in October and coming across a whole field that has been planted in wild flowers. This is was a big surprise and memorable riding moments. wild flowers abound in a field in Free Union VA The perfect weather in Virginia at this time of year offers exquisite beauty before father winter sets in. This old field has been plowed under to [...]
Skeeter Anyone who has stayed in a motel during a horse show has had that curious if not dread feeling that bedbugs might inhabit the room. There now is a solution for hotel owners in the form of a canine. This came to my attention in a newspaper article about an unwanted dog taken in by an old acquaintance of mine, Catherine Tebbs. Catherine is a dog trainer and lover of all four [...]
Those of us at Horse Fly Net® think this is worth reading by trail riders. Yellow Fly, less than an inch in size It’s that time of year again, and those nasty yellow flies are biting… here are some tips for armoring yourself and your horses against a painful pest. In Florida, the name “yellow fly” is used to describe about a dozen different species of yellow-bodied biting [...]
bathing suit and bridle In the middle of summer, riding can be hard on rider and horse. The weather in parts of the US climbs into the 90s and the bugs are breeding and biting. If you want to do something different that is fun for both of you and your equine friend, try a swim. It is best to remove a good saddle and keep some kind of rubber shoes on. Aside from those items you and your [...]
Barn and indoor arena at the Ranch Nine of us left Free Union, Va June 15 for an adventure. We hauled large trailers with horses up the mountain to a lovely ranch called Bull Pasture Mountain Ranch. There we settled into the 3 day weekend by first locating our tent, cabin, trailer or the lovely ranch house lodge where we would bed down. Our horses had the [...]
Mighty Mouse, a TerryTune cartoon character Anyone, throughout history, who has owned a barn has had the same small critter invade their premises, the mouse. Shelter from the elements and, by the barn's nature a continuous supply of food, makes the barn a perfect target for mice home building. And, so the barn cat, mouse trap and mice poison become the staple equipment for [...]
This see-through breathable screen will last for years. It is made of polyester vinyl coated and heat sealed on the edges with brass grommets about every foot. It has no chemicals added. Our HorseFlyNets only cost approximately $2.00 a square foot for smaller sizes and less for larger. Our product is woven and manufactured in the USA.
Southern Pines, NC
(910) 725-2115