There is a joy of riding with a friend in Virginia, in October and coming across a whole field that has been planted in wild flowers. This is was a big surprise and memorable riding moments.
The perfect weather in Virginia at this time of year offers exquisite beauty before father winter sets in. This old field has been plowed under to eliminate invasive weeds and planting natural grasses and flowers. Upon inquiring of the owner it is a plan for some wet areas that could not support horses.
Another worthwhile ride in October was very special during the height of the trees changing color. It was an invitation I had to ride with a small party of horseman. The invitation came from the president of the Monticello Foundation on the property still retained as the home of Thomas Jefferson. The 2500 acres are still in tack, providing the outdoor person a ride in the footsteps of one of our founding fathers. And, by riding with a historian and archaeologist, the full impact of this property is experienced. One of the bits of information imparted to us was the travel time. Imagine riding four days to work. That was the riding time to Washington DC by horse back from Monticello.
shared by K.Hubley copyright HorseFlyNet 2012