The black net will allow air to flow through it and show less soiling but allow the air to pass through the fabric. The goal is to protect the nutrient value of the hay but let the storage area have air and ventilation. The new reinforced hem with grommets every foot makes this a durable protection that can stand up to opening and closing of the storage area. The vinyl coated polyester fabric can withstand sun, rain, and wind.
$4.00 a square foot
This see-through breathable screen will last for years. It is made of polyester vinyl coated and heat sealed on the edges with brass grommets about every foot. It has no chemicals added. Our HorseFlyNets only cost approximately $2.00 a square foot for smaller sizes and less for larger. Our product is woven and manufactured in the USA.
Southern Pines, NC
(910) 725-2115