• Service Dogs

  • 6 Labradors, three yellow and three black

    This is the beginning of life in the big world.  It is not just the canine beginning of life but it is the beginning of life for a person  with difficulties mentally or physically who will benefit from canine assistance.  The careful breeding, nurturing and training by many volunteers is the first ingredient in a successful service dog development.  It takes years of work to select and guide these dogs into their careers.


    volunteer with one of the puppies


    We are told by one organization Saint Francis Service Dogs (a non profit organization that raises and trains service dogs for children and adults) that the two years of training can cost $25,000. ” Ultimately these specially trained dogs can help by retrieving objects that are out of their person’s reach, by pulling wheelchairs, opening and closing doors, turning light switches off and on, barking to indicate that help is needed, finding another person and leading the person to the handler, assisting ambulatory persons to walk by providing balance and counterbalance,  and many other individual tasks as needed by a person with a disability. “

    Service dogs are not trained for the hearing or sight impaired person which requires different criteria.

    Careful selection of the parents and dogs temperament are necessary as well as confirmation.  This is done to insure that the dog is fully qualified and will tolerate the demands both physically and mentally to meet the challenge for years to come.  The facility and the skill of the breeder is the first hurdle in achieving good results.

    Dr. Pam Hand with a pup in training

    Dr. Pam Hand of Free Union, VA has devoted herself  as a retired vet to providing the best puppies available.  After breeding, she keeps them for 8 weeks and then they go to a center such as Saint Francis where the dogs continue their rigorous training.  After the second stage of training the dogs are ready to work in partnership.  At Saint Francis a team must pass 4 levels of test before the ownership of the dog is passed to the recipient in need.

    Pam has provided a healthy environment with years of experience to this indevour. Horse Fly Net is happy to volunteer and assist in providing the shade for the kennels in the intense Virginia sun.  Fresh air in a secure space is achieved at her kennel by attaching nets over the dog runs.


    comfort for the breeding females from the sun







    Please volunteer your time or your monetary donation to assist with  this wonderful program by contacting:

    Saint Francis Dogs or    Service Dogs of Virginia

    Both are accredited by Assistance Dogs International.


    Beebop and Sam’s pups 14 month old in training