It is snowing on the east coast, The weather is in the 20s and I am in Virginia not Minnesota. And I have discovered a place in the United States that has a horse heritage and an average temperature of 71-79F. There are no flies and plenty of natural sand for riding. There is riding on the range, along the ocean or in the mountains.
It would be a wonderful place for the WEG next time. I am sure the Ausies and Canadians and New Zealand would be pleased to travel closer to their countries for competition.
So lets move USEF to the Big Island of Hawaii. Are there any of you guys up for this with me? We could have a monthly charter flight, a USEF Hotel and a wonderful vacation for everyone interested in being involved in the organization or working for USEF. Just pay your dues and come visit.
Please visit the You Tube Equitrekking in Hawaii. It is inviting to watch.
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